CALIPRI is a modular system and can easily be expanded.

This page highlights the Modules that are available to instal for a perfect combination of your measuring needs.

Calipri High Precision Laser Measurement


Wheel Profile

The “Wheel Profile” CALIPRI module evaluates the wear and dimensional accuracy of railway vehicles free from human error.

The actual and target contours are shown in color on the tablet PC.

Tyre Thickness (Diameter)

With the “Tyre Thickness” module, you can measure the thickness of common tyre types (heavy and light rail) in addition to wheel profile.

This can also be used to calculate the Wheel Diameter (DRC).

Wheel Diameter

The “Wheel Diameter” CALIPRI module makes it possible to quickly and easily measure the rolling circle diameter of a railway vehicle, by using a gauge that is mounted on the flange.

Brake Disc

The CALIPRI “Brake Disk” measurement module carries out non-contact evaluations of brake disks. The compact measurement device is aligned with the brake disk without mechanical mounting and accurately displays the wear of the Brake Disc.

Wheel Profile

CALIPRI High Precision Laser Measurement is a modular system and can easily be expanded – even at a later stage. Select the perfect combination for your requirements from a variety of measurement modules:

  • Wheel Profile and Wheel Diameter
  • Wheelshop
  • Tyre Thickness
  • Brake Discs
  • Defects
  • Radial / Axial Runout
  • Wheel Clearance
  • Rail and Grooved Rail
  • Switches
  • Equivalent Conicity

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